Matrix Mobile App

Another way to easily submit, manage, track and approve timesheets and expenses in our free mobile app

We developed this free to use mobile app that works alongside our market-leading system, to offer another way for temporary staff to submit, and managers to approve timesheets and expenses on the go.


The app is available in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store – just search for Matrix CR.


When you first download the mobile app there is a short tutorial that will give you a brief overview of how the mobile app works.


This ‘How to Guide’ supports that introduction to help users understand the functionality and see further details of what users can do within the mobile app. You can access the guide here:


How To Guide


In this quick video, as a temporary worker, we take you through the process of logging a timesheet, giving you insight into how the app works and functions.

In this quick video, as a hiring manager, we take you through the process of approving a timesheet, giving you insight into how the app works and functions.

For more information on our app please get in touch.